7 of 9, Founder
A Nony Mous
Abba Cadabra
Abby Normal
Acanthus Erklar-Sau-Bar
Adora Penthouse-View
AKAs: Adora Bull
Adrenaline, Marechale Tenanciere
Aedan Saint
Agatha Frisky
AKAs: Mother Superior
Agnes, of the Ginger Minge
Agnes De Garron, Founding Member
AKAs: Banana Nut Bread Hystorectoria Solicitation Knit Wit
Agnes Deiafta Tamara
AKAs: Rhoda Bologna Pony
Agnetha Rabiata, im Seidengewande der Ewigen Wollust, Abbess
Aida Boufeit, Best Bear Nun
Aileeka Boote
Aleksa Flammable, Founder
Alice B Toklas, Brother, Founder
Allie Lewya, Founder
Alma Bitches
Alma Children
Also Wears White
Alyssa Fetishes
Amanda deFlower, Founder
Amanda Hugginkiss, Founder
AKAs: Helga Von Sphincter Mussel
Amanda Reckinwith, The Scarlet Harlot, Founder
AKAs: Amanda Reckinwith of the Sparkling Scarlet Rouge
Amandus Erectus Aggripalotus
Ambrosia, Founder
AKAs: Guard Spartacus Nova Genesis
Amora Dat
Amore Flagellare
Amy Grants Your Wishes
AnaHeata TheMoment, Founder
Anal Receptive
AKAs: Cardinal Sin of the Carnal Craving Saint Dude
Anastasius, Founder
Anathema, Postulant
Aneda Hottie
Angel a queue
Angel Popstitute, Madonna of the Male Gang Bang
AKAs: Angel de l’ABBA-tajh Maale Angel Madone de l'ABBA Tajh Maale
Angelica Heinie, Postulant
Angelica Holy God!
AKAs: Motor City Rebel Vixen VixXxen
Angelina, of the Dark Light
Angels Hamburg
Anita _______
Anita B'job
Anita B Free
Anita Dick
Anita Lynching, Queen of Spades, Founder
AKAs: C. Alice Woody, Queen of Spades
Anita Manda Blough, Founder
Anita Nuther-Cocktail, Founder
Anita Verga
Anja Knees
AKAs: Guard Boy Kraven Nadia Nice Tantra Q Phoria Gaia Insight Aria Inyet
Ann Animate
Ann de Kehn
AKAs: Sainte Baronne du Houblon, Grande Prêtresse des Comptoirs
Ann Drajynni QueerPunk
Ann R Key
AKAs: Deacon Dyke
Ann R Kissed
Ann Wenita Morelove
Anna Ballin'
Anna Lee Gyfted
AKAs: Postulant Chiquitita Verde Postulant Rhea Peter Margarita Del Sol
Anna Lingus
Anna Toherthing
Anna Ven Detta
Anna Wanda Mei
AKAs: Postulant Anna Biotic Our Lady of the Healing Hands Wanda Pissanya Mei Ling Address
Anna Waywego
AnNa Wrecks-Ya, Founder
AKAs: Anna Rexia
AnnaMae B Ezee
Anne a Themes, Founder, Garde-Cuisse
Anne Drogynous
Anne Thrax
Anni Coque l'Doo
AKAs: Anita Name Rodeo Queen
Annie Glypta of the Changing Wombs
Anorak, of the Cheap Day Return
Antonia Barvaria
Antonius of the Slightly Parted Thighs
Aphrodite Androgynia Apassionata Benedikta, Die Einzigartige Angel Thalia Euphoria Absurdum auf ewigen Abwegen
Apollonia Fellatia
Apostasia Miss Entropy, Dite la Mauvaise Langue Fretillante
AKAs: Aspirant Sarah
Appassionata della Bawdy House, Founder
Aquanetta Tease, Founder
Aramis, Postulant
Aria Topurbottom
Armagaydon, Garde-Cuisse
AKAs: Sister Kekette
Arrakis, Garde-Cuisse
Art N. Heaven, Brother
AKAs: Yvonne Gelist
Artaire Uranus
Ash Pounder
AKAs: Sister Victoria N Cheesus
Ashley Wednesday
Asian Lycan Cookies
AKAs: TK Arufa OhOh Kami
Astrid Felching Fortitude, Virtue of Fortitude
Athena Putty Tat
Athletica de la Bain
Atilla de Nun, Founder
Atopa Maytag, Founder
AKAs: Atopa Maytag L’Andromatte of the Dirty Habits Atopa Sleepurr-Sofa Our Lady of Broyhill Atopa Sleepurr-Sofa The Broyhill Harlot
Atrociata von Tasteless
Atta Van Haldol
Au Jus
Audrey Faith Wilhelmine, Postulant
Aura des Gouts et des Couleurs
Aura Lee Gifted
Aura Scortea Beneficia
Aurora Bootie Alice
B'neatha Sheets, Founder
AKAs: Father Peter Licka de Cocque
B'Ouncee', Founder
B'Yonda Clouds
Babble On and On, Guard
Babra Lucia
Babs N Boyland
AKAs: Magna Cum Loudly Tampon Sinclair
Baby Sister, Founder
Babylon Anon
AKAs: Hidia Gilda Lily Gloria Holy
Bambi Dextrous
Bambi Sapphire
Bamm Bamm
Bang Bang La Desh
Bar-Bitch-Ka Colgate Mercedes, Founder
Barbarella Ars Erotica
Barberella Psychedelica
Barbi Mitzvah, Founder
Barbie Q
Barbra Ganesh
AKAs: Rachel T. Harmony
BB+, Guard
Bea Attitude
Bea Fore Warn'd
Bea Fore Warned
Bear Hairesy, of the Gutter White Euro Trash
Bear Ly Respectable, Cleaner of the Kitchen, Duchess of Douches
AKAs: Barbara Gingembre-De Beau Chery
Bearie de Lishus, of the Flaming Creme Brulee
Bearilyn Monroe DiMaggio
Bearlesque 'Ho
Bearonce Knows
Beata Ovaria, Founder
Beatrix Uppersleeve
AKAs: Saint Gotchyer Back Amanda Relyon
BeBe Gunn, Founder
Bebe Jeebus
Bella de Ball
AKAs: Bella Aza Bug
AKAs: Desidia
Belleza Tu-lips@analia, Founder
Ben Me Over
Bend A Dick, Founder
Berna Bush, Founder
Bertha B!tch
AKAs: Honey Child-De La Maize
Bertha Christ
Bertha De Zoot, Father
Bertha Sinn, Founder
Berthe Charmeuse, des Jesus de Morteau dite la punaise des Parc
Bessie Mae Moo-cho, Postulant
Bessie Willduit, Postulant
Betti Crotcher
AKAs: Postulant Gretta Grab-O
Bettie Cocker, Postulant
Betty Does, Last Nun of the Millennium
Betty Tastewell, the Self Rising
Beverly Ho'billy
Bhoddhi Sluttva
Bi-Polar Dysfunction
Bianca Tempt
Bimbo del Doppio Senso, Brother
Bimea Ferrari
Binge A Moore, Founder
Bitch Puddin
Blanche Davidian
Blanche De Roote
Blister Angelister
Bo D. Fatwa, Founder
Boa Tox
Bobby de Sade, Founder
Bodice Rippa
Bogomillia of the Vulvae Quinti
Boner Doner
Bonnie Sattva
Boom Boom, of the Bloody Stains of the Robes of Christ
BoomBoom Saintity
Bootsy Knockin'
Braud Vey Starr
AKAs: Brud Veystar
Brian O'Knoitall, Founder
Broomhilde von Bratwurst, Founder
Brother Gabby DeAnkles, Postulant
Brother Ira Quirelube!, Postulant
Bubba Licous, Guard
Bubbles Jewcee Fruit, The Spermaholic Winternun
AKAs: Bubbles du Pop Bubbles Pop Delicious Bubbles Pops Alot Bubbles Bloya
AKAs: Chastity Belt
Buddy Papi
Buffy Faerietta Pectorella Mega Nun-o-rama, the Rubber Maid
AKAs: Buffy Manietta Fazietta Faerietta Pectorella Mega Nun-o-rama
Bullinda Chinashop
AKAs: Postulant Chasen Cox
Bunnee FuFoo
AKAs: Fondalyn Grope
Burna Bush
Busta Knutt, Boston SPI Founder
Buster Hymen, Guard
Butch Wacker, Father
C Alice Hardagain
Caddie Lac DeVil
AKAs: Brother Pious Heathen
Cailin la Dochas
Cal I Pornication
Camela Toe, Postulant
Camera Obscura
Camille Leon
AKAs: 09/1993: Father Pan DeMonium 06/1990: Saint O'Masochism
Candy Cide, of the Immaculate Misconception, the Rogue Nun, Founder
Candy da Lore
Cara Hughes
Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation
Caressa Love
Carey Hardcock, Founder
Carmelita Cheesecake
Carmen Get It
Carmensida Von Golgotha, Founder
Carmina Pirhana
Carrie Wood of the Grand Staff
Cassandra Octavia
Castaspella New
Castrata Stigmata Banana Fana Fo Fata
Cat A'Lick
Cathi Terr
Causa de Change
Cecilia Fate
Cel-ahhh Butt, Founder
Celeste de l'Impertinente Resurrection, Founder
Celeste L Powers, Postulant
Celestial Gates
AKAs: Magenta
ChaCha Heals, Founder
Channel 2001
Charity, Postulant
Charity Case
Charmyn Ultra
Chastity Boner, Founder,, First President
Chastity Feel-Good
AKAs: Chasity Chase Oh-no!
Chava Schott
Cherry Poppins
Cheyenne Demure
Chickie Chickie Bing Bang
Chiqui Eta Banane
Chiquita X-Psychadelia, of the Holy Fruit
AKAs: Chiquita Phychedelia De Sashimi To Go Hellfire N. Dalmatians
Christ All Dark
Christina Manger
Chyna Boofay
Cinfull Lil Angel
Claire Annette Blowood, Founder
AKAs: Guard Phil Thee Bandit
Claire Caracasa, Postulant (Zum Engel)
Claire Voyante
AKAs: Saint Missy Link
Clara Cum Passionata, Reverend Mother General
Clarissa Oktavia Princeps Femina Noctis
Clemmidia Burns, of the Eternal Ring of Fire
AKAs: Tess Teeze of the Ostentascious Order of Orchids
Cleo Snatchra
Clitorah Cockeldoo
Clotilde 3615 Gardienne des Bains Saunas
Coco Demure
Coco Nutz
Connie Pinko
Constance Craving, of the Holey Desire
Constance Inner, Founder
Constellation, Founder
Consuela Canswallow, Boston SPI Founder
Coppa Lotta Attitude
Coppah Feel
Corporal Punishment
Cosma Virtuosa Majestas Domini
Courtney Sun
Craven Moorehead
AKAs: Guard Craven Moorehead
Crisco Bearer, of the Holy Fist
Cruella deGuerneville
Crystal Diamond Decanter
Cum Dancing, Mother
Cumina Condom
Cuminja Wrasse, Virgin of the non stick orgasm, STI free and suitable for all knob types
Cunegonde Hospitaliere Clystere du Saint Martyr
Cybele des Obedience
AKAs: Schwester Mercedes Benzedictus Cybil Disobedience
Cybercox, point Cum
Cyhere de la Meme Opposee
Daisy Chainsaw
Dali DoMystique, Pussy Gott'ightley, Daughter of Erotica, Clutcher of the Sacred Pearls, Keeper of the Clear Challis
Damphyr Nocturnus
AKAs: Fawn Dell Maibalz
Dana Van Iquity
AKAs: Citroen Ma Face
Daphne Maria Sanguina Mensis, Founder, Mutter
David d'lingua epica, Founder
Dawna Matrix, of the kinky flagellation, The bleeding eyes of Jesus
Dawnna Creation
Daya Reckoning
AKAs: Post: Holly Loo Ya Mary Do Ya Juana Novi: Ivana Virilad Sin D. Light Cardinal Carnal Cravings
De'Voida Klasss
Dean De La Rues
Dearest Caught, in the Headlights, Boston SPI Founder
Dearie Me
Debbie Tawnt, Founder
Deborah Entendre
Deca Letage
Dee Bauchery
Dee Enforcer
Dee Flowered
Deep Throat de Lux
Deez Nutz
Della Catessa
Delta Goodhand
DeManda Refund
AKAs: Brother Art Thou
Demonique Frottage
Den of Joy, Guard
Denia Pleasure
Desi Groane
Desi Virginia
Devilynn Disguise
Devina Schnitzel
Devlyn Redd
Devonn, Postulant
Dharma Gettin'
Diadora Blanda
Diamond Pixi-Dust
AKAs: Milady Diamond Diamond Angel
Diana Lise
Diana Nirvana
AKAs: Anastasia Devine Dot Matrix
Diarrhee En Frank
Diesel Dogma, Father
Dietrich Anne DiMaggio
DiManda Tencion
Dimont de Dimores-Sangreal
Dinah Douche
AKAs: Postulant Aida Lotsenlotsacock
Dinah Might
Dionna Cross
Dire-reahh, of the Holy Immodium
AKAs: Dire Morphina of the Intro-Venus
Dirrtie San Chez, of the Shit Eating Grin, Scatomancer
AKAs: Postulant Hopelessly Romantic
Dita de la Grace
Diva la Revolution
Diversity Rains
Divine Intervention, Founder
Dix Enormous
Dixie Lix
Dixie Lynn De Light
Dixie Rupt
AKAs: Dixie Rupt-Formee
Dixie Wrecked, Our Lady of the Scared Cock
AKAs: Postulant Fifi Sedusa Mann
Dolly Rama Llama
Dolorosa Raimunda Cruciphija, Madre, Fundadora
AKAs: Dolores Orlanda
Dom Calcul, Priest
Domadora Dee Fairyboys, Founder
AKAs: Adora Dee Fairyboys
Domimatrix de Hommes
Domina Shuga
Dominatus Virga, Guard, Founder
Dominatus Virga!, Guard
Domine' Trix
Dominina Hermaphroditey, Founder
Dominique Lovette de l' Amour
Donna Moniz
Donna Tellame, Founder
DonnaMae Trix
Dora, Postulant (Zum Engel)
Dorothea Sophia Bianca Rosa, In memoria del Golden Girls
Double penetration, Guard
Dr Strangelove, Founder
Druide Urvoy
Du Nord, Guard
Dymond Natrix, Founder
Eartha Quake, Postulant
Ed Myron Devue, Guard
Eden Asp, of the Manly Mounds
AKAs: Hera Tique
Edie Cheeseburger
Edina T Krisis, Founder
AKAs: Servina Bunchatops
Edith Commandements
Edith Moorecock
Edith Myflesh, Bearer of the Holy Host
Edna Daze
Effilia Uppendown
Ehrma Gawrd
Eileen Eulick
Eira Dirona Midir
Ejaculata, of the Imminent spattering
Eleanor the Great
Electra Modification
AKAs: Postulant Rhoda Tanoware
Eliza Does Alot, Founder
Elvira Vulgata Cunnilingus Nonn' Grata
Embellisha Hella-Valotta
Emma Erascible
Emo Chanel, Founder
En Guard
Ena Magnificent, Founder
Enchantress De Noir
Engel Merlinus Vati-Kann, Postulant
Enya Face
Epiphany Marie Laveau, The Nun of No Opinion, Founder
Eric O'Bear
Erin No Bragh, Paladin
Erotica Psychotica, the Avante Guardian of the Nasty Habit
AKAs: Father Blows Best
Esteban Anna Maria Madonna von Justicia, Guard
Estebania Anna Maria Justicia
Estella Brate, the Heavenly
Ethica Slut, Founder
Eula Dormee, Founder
Eunice Bea Kidden
Eunice X, Boston SPI Founder
Euphoria Flavia di Spensatio ad Acta, Founder
Eureka Taint
Eva Bawdy Feelgood
Eva Destruction
AKAs: Monsignor Righteous Sin Dignation
Eva Extreema
Eva Maria Charlotte von Ahrensburg
Eve All, of the Forbidden Fruit, Founder
Eve Angelica, Founder
Eve Dune Nuit, Faiseuse d'ange, Founder
Eve Volution
Evelyn Carnate
Evelyn Tensions
AKAs: Postulant Esther Sundae
Evita Peron
Evita Zane, Guard, Founder
AKAs: Guard Noah Fence
Exposia, Founder
Faegala Tina Pfischzoot
Faerie Clara Voyant
AKAs: Submission to Perpetual Erection (?)
Fanny Zitchin
FarmaSue Tickle
AKAs: Post. Fonda Fellatio of the Flaming Habit
Farrah Moans
Father Butch
Father Ed
Fatima, Keeper of Secrets
Faun D'Amen, Daughter of Ecstasy, Founder
Faux-Mo, Guard, Founder
Faye Laetio
Fee au Fond de son String
Felicia O, Boston SPI Founder
Felicity N. Debaucheri, the Whore with a Heart
AKAs: Felicity N Felchin Full Custodian of the White Tears of the One Eyed Christ
Fellata Immaculata, Founder
Fellatio, Father
Festivus Illuminata
Fiddle D. Dee, Founder
AKAs: Sara Belle Ballsy
Fifi Danto
Finesse de la Fesse d'Ange
Fister, Founder
Fjoergyn, Guard
Flambee la Reine
Flatulina Grande
FLick, Father
Flo B Fresh, Founder
Flora Goodthyme
AKAs: Father Jacques Strap Floozy Emily Rose Floozy Flora Father Herb Coughman Omnipotent Goddess of the "High Life" to the Imperial Court of Swinging Monkeys and Roaring Tigers
Flora La Hope
AKAs: Postulant Temperance
Flora Maldehyde
Florence Frightengale, Founder
AKAs: Ella Mental
Florence Nightmare
Florence of Faith
AKAs: Ella Mental Florence Frightengale
Florida Naranja, Founder
Fluer, of the Flip-Top Box
Flying Kitty, die Kuschelweiche
Folsom Delights
Fonda Topps, Founder
Foranda Fleur
Forbid, the Yumi Liquid Drainer
Foxy from the Juices
Foxy G'love
Foxy Moron
Frances A. Sissy
Francis A. Sissy
AKAs: Lota Geni Talia
Francis Diana
Frankly Truself, Founder
Freda Bang Bang Me Like a Boomerang
Freda Swallow
Frederica, Future Queen of Denmark
Freeda Sol
Freeda Swallow
Freshly Popped Cherry Blossoms
Fresnel Lenz
Freuduanschlip, The Angel-in-waiting, Founder
Friar Fuck
Frida Be
Frida LaTeCha Houpa
Frida Lay, Founder
Frieda B Fabulus
Funky, Postulant
Funstanella, Founder
Fur B Low, Founder, Guard
Gabriel, Founder, Garde-Cuisse
Gabriel Angelus Diaboli, Angel
Gabriela Perpetua Promisca
Gae Anna Proud
AKAs: Saint Phabulous Phlying Phlanges of the Divine Order of the Dextrous Digits
Gaia Love
Gaia T
Gaisha Otaku
Galaad, Garde-Cuisse
Galathea, Postulant
Ganymede, Garde-Cuisse
Garance Gardienne des enfants du Paradis, Founder
GarDouche Das GearStrokr, Founder
Garter Well, Guard
Gas Anprided
Gay Lord
Gaye Shafan
Genevra Hysterica de Thalia Minor
Genie Reviere I, Founder
Gerda Golightly Galore in Den Truemmern van Oosten, Founder
Ghana Maria, of the Dripping Desire of The House that Syphilis Built, Founder
GiGi del Fuego
GiGi Fa'Q, The French Whore
Gilda Lily
AKAs: Gloria Holy Babylon Anon
Gimm E Summ, Founder
Gin-Ja Lox
Gina Tonic, the Sparkling
Ginette de la Vache Molle, Founder
Ginger Beer, Postulant
Ginger Bush
Ginger Snap Dragon
Ginger TeriYaki
Gladass, of the Joyous Resurectum, Reverend Mother
Gladiola Gladrags
Gladys Pantzarhoff
Glitterati, the Center of Controversy, Royal Keeper of the Family Jewels
Glitterati Heretika
Glo Euro N'Wei
Glock, Guard
Gloree Bea DiVine
Glori-Areola Roll You Over Gluttony, Founder, Virtue of Gluttony
Gloria de Plummage
Gloria Fun-tasia Fiesta
Gloria In Excelsis Dildo
Gloria LeLuia
Gloriosa Superba
Glory Glory Hole-lelujah
Glory Hole-elujah
Glossa Lalia
Goblin Long Prong
Golden Hair Surprise, Founder
Goldie La'Melee, Founder
Grace Pumpernickel, Lady
Granite Ass
Greez-Elda Greed-Lay, Founder
Gretchen Getaround, Founder
Gretta Amyletta, of the Holy Vapors, Blessed Mother of Sisters
Groinne, of the Burnished Buttocks
GrrrLee Fruitfly
Guard Her Belt, Founder
Guard the Puppy
Gummy Bear
Gunza Blazin, Founder
AKAs: Flora Play Fair
Gwendoline Renault
Gwydion of Kernow
Gypsy TV Filmstar
Hadrianus Hardon-Ur-Ass, er Hardon-My-Ass
Hair Apparent, Founder
Hanna Baller
Happy Van Ness
Harlette O'Scara, Mistress of Arsenic and Old Laces
AKAs: 1987-1989: Gala Adventah Del Monte Carlo 2004: Abbey Carfax Le Crosse, Mistress of Dorkness Eureka Sex or Munt Bruddah Hobo-Phobic
Harley David Sinzalot, Founder
Harley Giggles, the Gushing Nun
Heaven Leigh Flame de Pre
Hecate, of the Holy Circle of Aradia & Bodacious Tatas, Founder
Hedral Sexual
Heide LassMaRannDa-DennSieWillJa, Postulant
Heidi Ho
Heidi Ho Maria Sacrificum-Magnum
Heidi McCooch, Founder
Heidi Von Lickencox
AKAs: Guard Thumpa Headboard
Helen Baak
Helen Highwater
AKAs: Marie Von Stoop-n-Takit
Heliotrope Celcius Olson, Founder
Hell'n Hiwater, Founder
Hell'n Killer
Hellen Wheels
AKAs: Mother Herculenium, Mother Superior of the Daughters of the Divine Eruption Father Butch
Hellena Handbasket
Hellfire N. Dalmatians
AKAs: Chiquita X-Psychadelia of the Holy Fruit Chiquita Phychedelia De Sashimi To Go Venetia Blind Ambition
Hellina Handbasket
Hera deDog
Hera Sees Candy
Heras, Postulant
Herb Eltas Nappin, Founder
Hidia, Aspirant
AKAs: Gilda Lily
Highly Salacious
Hildegard von Bignen
Hildegarde, du Pardon Éternel, Sainte Patronne des Marie-Gobasses et Gardienne des Âmes à 100%
AKAs: Hildegarde du Pardon Eternel Gardienne des Ames a 100%
Ho Lotta Wrath, Founder, Virtue of Wrath
Holla die Wealdfee
Hollie Wood, Founder
Holly Cost, Founder
AKAs: Holly DeMille
Holly Lewya
AKAs: Strawberry Shortcake Are You There God, It's Me Margaret? My Little Pony
Holly Unlikely, Founder
Holy Joyride, Founder
Homo Fellatio, Charter Member
Homocycle Motor Sexual
Honey B Drippin', of the Buzzin' Hive
Honey Be
Honey Le Badger DGS
Honor Neesalot
Hoosia Daddy
Hoover Matic
Hope N Grope of Safer Sinning
Hope Yu-Indulj, Founder
Hugh G Rection, Guard
Hugh Jass
Hugh Organ
Humpa Lotta
Hunter Fuhr Bears
Hyde N Sikh, Full-of-Bling, Founder
Hylee Flamable, Founder
Hyleigh Suspicious
Hysteria der Schnappintwat
I'thena Vision
AKAs: Postulant Reason
Iadora Cox, Prioress
Ian Angel
Ian Avirtue, Guard
Ianto, Founder, Guard
Ida Claire
Ida Dunnhim
Ida Hoe
Ida Know
Ida Nurse
Ida Slapter
Ifeelya Hardcock
Ima BUrnfordis, Founder
Ima Cummin
Ima Hotmess
Ima Lush
Ima Miracle, Boston SPI Founder
Ima Renec
Imogen DeMira, Boston SPI Founder
Impious the First, de San Francisco, Pope
Imyo Fister, Guard
Inari Edna Mana Glamour, Archabbess
AKAs: Indica Sativa of the Holy Hybrid Shelby Hellbound the Nun Infernal, Disciple of the Unholy Trinity: Sex, Drugs & Rock n' Roll
Ineeda Felch, Founder
Inferior Across the Abyss, Mother, Founder
Inga Von Schlappenheinie
Ingenue Flexion
Innocent des Ravages
Innocentia Vulgaris
Inocencia Angelica
Integra T Bound
Intelligentsia, Founder
Inya, Captain
Iona Dubble-Wyde
Iphelia Johnson, Founder
Irenee Penthesilee de la Consolation
Irma Geddon, Rider of the 4 Horsemen
AKAs: Wanda Watch
Irma Gration
Irritus Inefficax
Isabella Ringing
Isadora Knocking Beaverhausen
Ish Tar, Founder
Isis Lovey Gutentite, Founder
Isocelle de Gayrande
Itsy Nada Cameltoe
Iva Handfull A Nutts, Founder
Ivan BigFun
AKAs: Ivan Bigwn
Ivana Felch, Founder
Ivana Pocahotass, Founder
Ivanna Cocktail
Ivanna Manda Lei, Founder
Ivanna Plotz
Ivy Lieben Miracles
Izzy Dunne
Jackie O'NoSheDin, Founder
Jacky Merrick Skyline
Jacque Strapper, Founder
Jacqueline Eatsasses
Jacques Strappe
Jacqui Moff
Jacquie Nauoff, Postulant
Jane D'Oh
AKAs: Father Phil Anthropy Brother Ben E. Factor Della Vangelist Lucinda Abbey Doris Deity
Jara Crisco
Javina Hautflache
AKAs: Soeur Philomeme de la Celeste Verge
Jeanie Ina Tuaca-Bottle
Jen Derfukt
Jendra Uforia
Jenna Teylla
Jenni Flect
Jenny Fair von Bene Gesserit, Mutter
Jenny Fleckt, of the Holey Kneepads
Jessica Fulminatrix Indomitabilis, Venetur Regina Noctis
JFB Just F* Bubbles
Jinger Breadman, Our Lady of Baked Goodness
AKAs: Postulant Kay Martyr
Joe Kerr
Joe Nutz
Johanna Indulgentia Tara Maria Benedicta, Foundress, Archabbess
JonBennet Gesserit
Josanna Streetcorner
Joslin M' Junk
Joy N Glitter, Founder
Joy TotheWorld
Juana Little, Founder
Juanita La Buffadora
Jubilee Van Magic
Judy Ism, Founder
Julia Sunbeam of the Candle Burnt at Both Ends
Jumpin' Beans
Junipa Melliandra Melicusa Aurea Anima, and the little 6 string orchestra
Juniperus Sabina
Justice One Thyme
Justin Love, Brother
Justina Nickatime, Our Lady of Bel Air, Founder
Juwanna Jerker, Postulant
Kali Vagilistic X.P. Aladocious, Founder
Kalix Artemisia, la Fee Verte
Kandee Lyte
Kara Z'Matick
Karma Zabetch
AKAs: Guard Rubber Booty Butt Bumper Rubinya Booty Father Rubber Booty Butt Bumper of the MaNastycal Disciples
Karmin Dee Bacdora
Kat Astrophe
Kate TchouPa Tchoupa Tchoupa Tch'Oupsss
AKAs: Postulant Lionel
Katharina Laetitiam Donans
Katherine Mary Monica Isabella
AKAs: Naga Babu Ganesh
Katie Kizum
AKAs: Stella D'Night
Kaye Sera Sera
Kazuo Matsue, Angel
AKAs: Guard Armagaydon
Ker Meet, de Benitier, Founder
KeriAnna Kross, Founder
Kinky Boots
Kitten Kaboodle
AKAs: Mercy Linda of the Sacred Heart
Kitty Catalyst of the Catnip Patch
AKAs: Bonbon Ominous Faux Pas Sweat of the Brow Father Ray Gin
Kitty Liquor, Postulant
AKAs: Postulant Knotty Anne Nice
Klondyke Bar
Koi Agulant, Postulant
Koo Koo Kachoo
Koochie Coo
Krissy Fiction
AKAs: Clea Taurus Wilma Finger Dew
KrisTall Mighty, Boston SPI Founder
AKAs: Postulant Krystal Chandelier
Kristi Kreams, Founder
Kristian D'Aura
AKAs: Postulant Krysstian Mingle Tingles
Krymia Rivah
AKAs: Brenda Dover-Moore
Kumona Wanna Leia
Kyanne, of the Red Hot Chili Peppers
Kylie Eleison
La Adriancita
La Belle Gum
LaBrea Pits
Lacey UnderWhere
AKAs: Post. Ivanna Hummer Merry Money
Lacrima Christi del Vesuvio, Mother, 09/23/1995
Lady Quim de Fitte
Lakka D'Qorum
Lance Boyles, Guard
AKAs: Parker Carr
Lascia Ch'io Piango
Lashes La Rue
AKAs: Tara Ra Boom Diay
Latea Monacha Accoglienta
AKAs: Latea Concubinatia Latea Monacha Incestuosa
Latina Turner
Laura Mueller, Postulant
Lawna Jocqui
Lea o'Hura Magistra Super'i'or, Founder
AKAs: Lea da'Maris Sciurula Adversa Diaboli
Leavia Lafin, Founder
Lee Bertie
Lena Genstme
Lesbi Joiful
Levita Kiss, Founder
Lexx, Founder
Libby Rayshun, Founder
Lida Dogs Life
Lil Devil, of the Wicked Flogger
Lilia Campa
Lilith, of the Valley of the Shadow of Death
AKAs: Superior Sybilla Sadbitch La Savior Faerie Lily White Superior Posterior
Lily of the Valium
Limpimpin, Seminariste
AKAs: Seminariste Fidie
Liona Crutch
Liquor Boxxx
Lita Stogie, of the Moaning Sisal, Founder
Livia Life
Loe Ryder, Postulant
AKAs: Ryder Alnight
Loganberry Frost, Charter Member
Lois Price
Loki A Bear Asgard
AKAs: Postulant Defiant
Lola du Reve de l'Ange, Mother, 06/04/1994
AKAs: Lolita
Lola Feminista Womyn of Justice
Lola Hangers
Lola LaLips
Lola Lola Charity Case Acola, Postulant
AKAs: Postulant Nora Gretts
Loli Luvz U. Lohng Thyme, Founder
Lolita Piole des Fleurs Bleues
Lolly Gagger
Lolly Lustipop
Loosy Lust Bea Lady, Founder, Virtue of Lust
Loreley von den Auen
Lost and Found, Saint
Lost Virtue
Lotfi, Postulant
Lotta Ta Ta's, the Whistling Wonder
AKAs: Mini Ta ta's
Lotti Da
Lotus A'Bowl
Lourdes Mae Shepherd
AKAs: Maryin Aman
Lu Cipher, Brother
AKAs: Cadet Guard Spankee Mein Hie-nee
Luann Platter, Founder
Luc de la Sainte Amitie, Founder, Pere
Lucille Has Balls
Lucille The Deal
AKAs: Saint Love n Smiles Loosey Jooicy Froot
Lucinda Morals
AKAs: Lucien Reddy
Lucinda Zippah
Lucretia Mi Reflection
Lucy Caboose
AKAs: Postulant Tanner Hyde
Lucy Furr
Ludmilla Druffuffssofa
Lumina van Eden
AKAs: Postulant Luna
Luna Emilia, Founder
Luna Krypton
Luna Krypton N36 Dite la Torche
Luna Sea
Lunae Lumen, Angel
Lunda Celestial Skye
Lupita Phat-He-Ta Buffet, Founder, (Now Serving!)
AKAs: Lupita S Loose
Luscious Lashes
Lutz, Gardist
LydIa Prostituta
Lydia Tu Temptation
AKAs: Sue Veneer Libia Majora
Lynn Da Hand, Founder
Lyx M Wright, Founder
Mable Syrup The Nun Too Sweet
Maddie Bout You
AKAs: Maddie Lynn Cookies
Maddie Za Hatter
Madonna Erotica Von Bitch & Virgin
Madonna Supermodel of the World
AKAs: Seductive Cornucopia
Madragora, Mother
Madras Absolut Consecutiva, Founder
Mae B. Hostel
Mae Betrubble, of the Sacred Paps (the Getting Nun)
AKAs: Danu Maul
Mae Nibble Yer Nipples
Mae Nora
maeJoy Bee withU
AKAs: Postulant PinkJoy Radiant Bliss
MaeLynn Hanzment, Founder
Magdalena Delirious Christian
AKAs: Magdalene Delerium Tremens (?) Maria Caffeina Mochalatte
AKAs: CelHeRe
Magically Delicious
AKAs: Cardinal Bear Necessities
Magnolia Thunderpussy
Majyna Burns, Founder
Make Me Up
AKAs: Bruja Reyna Capulina Carla Kristina Eduina Chonita Manuela Hadas Mary Kohn
Mama Dora, Postulant
Mand'Ha Moor
Mandi Blaize-Xenia Naughty Wood, Postulant
Mandi Flowers
Marcee DeSaude, Founder
Marcus the Well Built, Henchperson
Margaret Snatcher
AKAs: Postulant Righteous Indignation
Margarita DeVil
AKAs: Icy Condescension
Maria Caffeina Mochalatte
AKAs: Magdalene Delerium Tremens
Maria Camelia de l'Esprit Charnel
Maria Do Coracao, Founder
Maria Dolorosa, des Consolations Charnelles de Marie-Madeleine, tenanciere principale des maisons d'amour et caves à foutre, gardienne de la memoire de Louise et Rosa, dite la révolutionnaire rouge
Maria Innocenta, aux Mains Pleines
Maria Magdalena de la Redemption, Founder
Maria Penetrantia, von der Ewigen Unvernunft, Founder
Maria Piccolatta Capuccina
Maria Scholastica
Maria von Trapp
Marie Amelie
Marie Anale J'Hesite
Marie Anne Ecstasia
Marie Baies des Anges Hantes
Marie Blanche Hospitaliere
Marie Confesse
Marie des Begonias
Marie des Maux Dites, Founder
Marie Elle E'Phant
Marie Ever-Ready, Charter Member
Marie Fella Scion, gardienne des Trans en fusion
Marie God
Marie Grignota du Bout des Levres
Marie Janine du Reve Suspendu
Marie Jeanette
Marie Madeleine Indibi
Marie McMurderFace
Marie Mongolita des Fientes, Founder
Marie Presla Folle du Desir
Marie Sulpice
Marie Valentine
AKAs: Valentine des Graces de Marie-Madeleine
Marika Mirakulenda die Roeck
Marilyn MOAN-Roe
Mariposa Patriota
Marquesa de Sade
AKAs: Nocturnal Submission DeDe
Marry Rich, Charter Member
Martini Bianca, Any Time Any Place Anywhere
Mary-Mo Nique Ta Mere
Mary Aman
Mary Amanda Love
Mary Backroom
Mary Clarence
Mary Clarenz
Mary Daisy Chain
Mary Desmond 3 3 with a Bloody Good Tan, Mother
Mary Dimples, Founder
Mary Drama Penelope Overhim, Servant Sr of the Holy Chamber Pot, Founder
AKAs: Mary Drama Wanna Cummsalot
Mary Ephegenia Poppins, DinoNun, Matron, St Inappropriata's School for the Discombobulated, Chief Nursing Sister at Our Lady of Bishounen Hospital for the Insufferably Romantic
Mary Hellon Wheels
Mary Hot Pants
Mary Jane Fondaweiner, Founder
Mary Jane Singleton, of the Divine Green Weed
Mary Jeebus
Mary Juanita High
Mary Kay Lipstick
Mary Layyonya Bakkyabich
Mary Magdalena Marzipan, of the Immaculate Confection
AKAs: Maria Caffeina Mochalatte
Mary Magnalaid Me
Mary Margaret MayHam (3M), Founder
Mary Mary Quite Contrary
Mary Media, Charter Member
Mary Milkette, of the Devine Teabag, Founder
Mary Mountain DewMe
Mary O'Fawkette
Mary O'Fuck-it, Postulant
Mary Ophelia Cox
Mary Pat McCooter
Mary Pearl
AKAs: Cynna Mankind Shirley Ewe Jest
Mary Poppin' Bottoms, Founder
Mary Queanne of Scouts, Mother
Mary Queen Ann Sober, Founder
Mary Ralph
AKAs: Maryly Onward
Mary Shock Therapy
AKAs: Shock T
Mary Sit-On-My-Face, Founder
Mary Timothy Simplicity
AKAs: Emma Friggin' Nun Gayle Force Of Nature Lolita Me Into Temptation
Mary Tyler Moorgasm
Mary Virgin, on the Ridiculous
Marya Ulrika Pote de la Glotte Sacree
MaryMae Himm of the Havoc Habit
AKAs: Father Hymn
MaryMargaret Xplosion
MaryPosa Flutterby
AKAs: Transsista
Massivus Dicus
MasterMark, Guard
Matic deBauchery
Matic Indocrination
Maud Lynn Erotica, Founder
Maudlin Masscara
AKAs: Postulant Frau Diesel Lickhymngut
Maxima, Mutter
Maximus Shenanigans
Maximus Sol Invictus, Brother
May I Dewyou, Founder
May Inita Bonghit
May Kin Bacon
Maya de la Joie
Maya Kulpa
AKAs: Rhea Dempshun Juno Nita Rhea Dempshun Renee Zonce
Maya Magination Runs-Wilde
Maya Poonani
Mbear Hugger, Founder
Medea Whoresalot
Mendusa Love Forbid, The Golden Nun From The Church of Leather Day Sinners
AKAs: The Ninja Nun Sister None
Mendy See-No
Merciful Sally Lovely, Victim of the Brotherly and Sisterly Love
Mercy Linda, of the Sacred Heart
AKAs: Kitten Kaboodle
Merrianne Bright
Merry go Round
Merry Heretik, Founder
Merry Juana
Merry Mattress Muncher
Merry MeatnPart, Founder
Merry Peter
AKAs: Sassy Poppy
Merry Q Contrary, Founder
Merry Widow
AKAs: Mary Widow Corset
Metal Morphose
Mezuzah of the Divine Miss M
Mi-Ho Bang Cock
Mia Fetish
Mia Moore
Michael, of the Stainless Steel Urinal
Michale (tbd), Founder
Midgie Boo
Milk-A-Lot-A Cummings, Founder
Millie Terri
Millie Terry Intelligence
Mina J'trois
AKAs: Postulant Tobie Determined
Mini Pearl Harbor, of the Seventh Fleet
Minima, et elle fait le maximum
Minnie Shevitz
Minnie Soda
Mira Supa
Miracle Whip
Miranda Rights, Founder
Mischief S MerryMaker, Keeper of the Chalice of the Cherrytakers, Founder
AKAs: Brother Buddha of the Kind and Plentiful Leaf
Misha Nairy
AKAs: Postulant Charity
Miso Honey, Founder
Miss Chievious Intensions, of the Sexual Persuasion
AKAs: Lula By Sexual Misty Hole
Missionary P. Delight, Founding Member
AKAs: Missionary Position (1979 - 1989) Iamosamadelite, the Sodomite of the Most Holy and Beautiful Dove, Rumi Sufi Heart Now (1989 - 2002) Soami
Missy DaPointe
Mister Meaner, Guard, Founder
Misty Deamor
Mitzi Bixler, Founder
Moana Moansalotts
Moe Cock
AKAs: TraumaCawk de la Grande Phallus Driller Rusty Trombone Tomahawk
Mona Little-Moore, Founder
Monica Muffdiver
Mora Lee D'Klined
Mora Lee Wong
AKAs: Father Peri Noya
Moredick ForI, Founder
Mort L Sinn
AKAs: Winns Tonns Chesterfield
Morta Bella
Morticia Dum Spiro Spero
Mozzletoff Cocktail
Mr E
Mr Marigold, Founder
Muriel Hopeless, of the Unfinished Orgasm
Muse Protection
My El
Mya Cardinal Infraction, Founder
Mya Graine
Myopia of the Second Wise Monkey, Founding Mother
Mysteria of the Broken Hymen
Mystrah Label Fee Gore, Gardienne des Anges Chanteurs, Protectrice des Pieux, de la Tentation et des Repentis, Dite la Syphily Mys Tic
N. O. Pansies
Nacho Daddy
Nacho Husband, Guard
Nadia Heddensmile
Naga Babu Ganesh
AKAs: Katherine Mary Monica Isabella
Nancy Drew Blood
AKAs: Postulant Nancy Disgrace
Narta la Rousse
Navi Ho
Nealan B Blessed
Neela Takit
Nellianne Manly, Founder
Nerella Vaginitis, Founder
Nia Preen
Nida Salivation
Nina Novena O Kink Us In Kind
AKAs: Postulant Kindness Nina Porno Novena in Kind
Noah Shame, Guard
Nora Torious 13
AKAs: Postulant Dementia
Norma Lee Intoxicated
Norma Ly Naughty
Nova Aggra, Vicar, Daughter of the Fabricated Phallus
AKAs: Guard Nova Agra
Nova China
AKAs: Fawn Del Mei
Nova Gyna, Founder
Nova Nilla
AKAs: Father Nova Jhyna
Novice Sister whose name we can't remember right now
Nun the Wiser
O'Conversia, Protectrice de celles et ceusses ki voudraient ben mais ki peuvent point dite la Pintade Dorée
Oblivia Neutron Bomb
Odin Money
AKAs: Postulant Zeal
Odora Flatulotta, D'Pew the Fragrant, Founder
AKAs: Guard Deeper Throat Odora Flatulotta of the Fluttering Habit Heidi O's-Mee-O's
Oh Mary!, Father, Founder
Ohna Tirade
AKAs: Ohna Fucking Tirade
Oletta B. d'Monic
Olive D Gayz
Olive O'Sudden
Olive Overhang, Founder
Olive Peters
Olive Thatten Moore
AKAs: Porcelina Blue Eyes, Creamy Thighs, Hair So High
Olivia La Serana
Olivier, Postulant
Opa Leez
Opheillia Titzoff, Boston SPI Founder
Ophelia Balls, Founder
Ophelia Fire, Postulant
Ophelia Fyre
Ophelia Minge, Brother, Madonna of the Mystic Orgasm
Ophelia Nutz, Founder
Ophelia Onassis
AKAs: Emasculate Deception
Opher Phuxake
Opiate of the Masses, Founder
Opus Gay
AKAs: Y Pus
Ora Lee Gyfted
AKAs: Ora Lee Wunderbar the Mouth of the Southwest Ranya Ragged
Oral Climax
Oralee Pleasures, Postulant
AKAs: Postulant Ivanna Yurman
Orgasmica Melodica
Orgia Maxima, Founder
Otto Gin Ophelia
Ovina Fornicata
Ovo, Founder
Oy-Vey Maria
Pa's Leatherwolf, Guard
Pacifica Coita Deum
Paddleme' Tooshie
Palao Froh, Nie Transmoderna in Wohnhaft zu Flaggelant
Pandora Ejaculata Controllata, President, Mother
Papa Bubbles, Founder
Papi Seed
Pastor Best
Pat N Leather
Pat O'butta
Patriarch le Fleur, Founder
Patricia Serpenta de Gomorrah
Patti Whak
Patton Mygroin
Patty Cakes, R.N.
Paul A Deen
Pauline Virtues
Pearl Necklace
Pebbles, Paladin
Peghan Ritual
Penelope Versus LSD, Mother, 04/05/1996
Penny Lane
AKAs: His Most Imperial Majesty, Emperor XXXIII John-Richard, The Bare Hug Emperor High Priest Toot'n Poop'n Penny Costal
Penny Pasta
Penny Trashun
Penny Trater, Founder
Penny Tration, Founder
Percy Q'Shone
Perky Dot Hits the Spot
AKAs: Padre Pussoir, Order of the Pot Smokin' Pixies Postulant Perky Pussoir
Perversula Felatiopia, Founder
AKAs: Perversula Fellaladieux
Peter Beater
Petunia Encarnata
Phatima La Dyke Van Dick
Phelonious Assualt, Founder
Phil Hugo Down
AKAs: Postulant Cub Cake
Phil McCracken, Guard
AKAs: Cadet Bear Lee Vicious Oso Vicious
Philander Uranus
Philip Urazz
Phillipa Hole
Pho Fun, Founder
Pho Real
Phyliss Withe Litaday
Phyllis Balls, Founder
Phyllis Stein, the Fragrant, (with Sister Spooge)
Pi-Rho Technique, Founder
Piccolettha Innocentia, Founder, Reuniting Bodies of Berlin, Mutter
Pierce D'Coq
Pierce Dogma
Piggy Sue, Founder
Pigmentia Stigmata
Pilliere de la Sterilisation du Grand Remue Menage, Founder
Pimprennelle de l'Anticipation du Saint Sourire des Anges
Pinky Flamengo
Pinky Ladyslipper, Founder
Pious Heathen, Brother
AKAs: Caddie Lac DeVil
Pious Peak, of the Holy Mount
Pixie Dust
Plenty O'Cleavage
Plush Lovebud
Poison Ivy de Pussie
Polly Amorous
AKAs: Postulant Awanna Nita Threesome Jackee Strap
Polly Ester
Polly Habenero
Polly Sorbate 80, Founder
Polly von Acocker, Founder
Pollyanal Buttercup, of the Dionysian Orgy, Founder
Pollyanna Russ
Poly Amorous, Founder
Poly Andry
AKAs: Sunbeam
Pope Dementia the Last
Poppa Woody
Porn Again
Porna Forna-Kayshun, Founder
Porsche Monkai, Guard
Portia Lee Hydrogenated
Postulante La Fernanda
Postulante La Juanmita
Postulante La Pendeja
Postulante La Rafaela
Postulante Regina Martirum
Premonstratensia, Mother
AKAs: Pre Madonna
Priapos von Oralis, Captain of the Guards
Prima Donna Meechy
Princess Albert and the Pee
Princess Gillian
Prissy Go Lightly
Private Pots, Founder
Pronuptia, of the Splattered Veil
Prudence Improper
Prudence Pride of Perfection, Founder, Virtue of Pride
Prudencia Ernestina, Fundadora
Prudetta Kardinal von der Immerwahrenden Trunkenheit, Founder
AKAs: Sushi
Psycho AnalEyez, Founder
Pulmonary Resuscitation II
Pumilia Periciosa Libido
AKAs: Brother Pumilia
Pup Pee
Pup Pow
Pup Sabian
Pure Heart
Purell, Boston SPI Founder
Pursefonee Ophelia Bitz
Qetesh, The Divine
Quaalude Conduct
Queen Issa Fella
Rabbi Bent
Rachel Profiling
Raegeena Wit Envy, Founder, Virtue of Envy
Raffa Ella Rabiata Grafin Hagelstein
Rainblow Bites
Raisa Brau, Our Lady of Whiplash
Ralf, Postulant
Ranya Maria, de la Malle a Queues
Rapture Divine Cox, Founder
Raquelle Surprise, de la Lumiere Doree de Malibu
Rau D. Focker
Raven B'Yotch, Founder
Raven Lunatic
Raven Nevamore
Ravyn Misbehavin
Ray Dee O'Active
Redwood Daddy
Rega Cards
Reggie LaVince
Reno Biggest Little Sisters
Reva Lation
Reverend Mother Abbess, Founding Member
Rex Uranus
Reyna Phyr, Founder
Reyna Terror
Rhoda Hardcoque, Founder
Rhoda Kill, of the Maculate Veal
AKAs: Postulant Tapioca Postulant Holly Day
Rhoda Lottamen
Rhoda Warrior
AKAs: VanGuard
Rhoda Whorse, Founder
Rhythm Method
AKAs: Mary Rhythm Method RM
Rich, Postulant
Right Sarong, Founder
Righteous Sin Dignation, Monsignor
AKAs: Eva Destruction
Rimya Deep
AKAs: Sister Ana Lingus
Ringa Fyre
AKAs: Postulant Bevvy Downer
Risque, of the Sissytine Chapel
Rita du Calvaire, de Marie Madeleine car elle aussi a beaucoup souffert, Archimere, 6/24/1994
Rita Lips, Founder
AKAs: Icannotta Hearya
Robbed at Birth, Founder
Robinia Vulgaris
Rolanda Kahndom
AKAs: Wanker Spanker
Roma! There's No Place Like Rome
Ron A Muck
Rosa de Lima
Rosa La Ola Grande, Founder
Rosa Relentless, Founder
Rosanna Hosanna Fella Bella
Rosario Hala Peno, Postulant
Rose de la Foie de Ta mere, Gardienne des Muses, fesseuse d'anges, dite Tais-Toi
Rose Incarnate
Rose of Sharon Tate
Rosetta Stone, Boston SPI Founder
Rosetta Stoned
AKAs: Shiksa Marie Compassionata Conservativa
Rosie Bottoms
Rosy Cheeks
Rowdy Azell
Rowena Keeper of the Holy Doyley
Roxanne Joie de Vive
Roxanne Roles
Roxxi Nyte Awai Faithfully
AKAs: Roxxi Ist Faithfully Onya
Roz Erection
Rubba Willie Duck
AKAs: Postulant Rubba Duckya Rubba Duck
Rubber Booty Butt Bumper
AKAs: Rubinya Booty of the MaNastycal Disciples
Rubina Exessa mit einem Herz aus Marzipan
Rubis et Orbis
Ruby Slippers, Postulant
Rula MyBehind
Rupert Chuck Speaker of Tongues, Mistress of the Gossip Mongers
Rusty Kooter
Rusty Metal, the Satanic Mechanic
AKAs: Postulant Metal Entity Electrically and Spiritualy Reincarnated
Ruth LesBitch
Ruthie Relentless
AKAs: Ruth Less
S. Nappin Pousse, Postulant
Saddie Saddie Rabbi Lady
Sadie Masa-Kista
Sadie Masochism
Saki Tumi
AKAs: Saint Sue Nami, 10/28/1994 Cookie Pastor Prime Beth Le Ham
Sal-E, Founder
Salome, of the 9th Mystic Rhinestone
Salome' Getzhed
Salvation Armee
Samoa CrackaToa, The Tropical Experience, Founder
AKAs: Bootie Licious (until Oct 2005)
Sandra Musique
Sanka de Mayo
Santa Ana Winds
Sara Bellum
Sara Femme Fatale
Sarah Belle Pawlsey, Postulant
Sarah Suckerman
Sasha Biscuit
Sasha Cochteze
Saturnalia, Founder
AKAs: Urea-K
Satya Pureheart, Boston SPI Founder
Saviour Applause
Scarlet Billows
Scarlet O'Hairy
Scarlett O'Whora
Sched, Guard
Schnieby-Lotta Victualia Trivilore
Scholastica Procrastica
AKAs: Rosemary Beads
Scott Nothing to do With You, Henchperson
AKAs: Cody
Searching for Men
Sebastian Passivo
Secretia, Founder
Seductive Cornucopia
AKAs: Corny Madonna Supermodel of the World
Sedusa Poly Tishun, Founder
Seeme Feelme Touchme, of the Immaculate Panties, Founder
AKAs: Saint Simi Valley
AKAs: Postulant Benoit
Selma Organs
Selma Soul
AKAs: Saint Cabanaboy
Sensible Shoes, Charter Member
AKAs: Loretta Timothy
Sensualus Predatori
AKAs: Sister Sensual Sister Predator Sally Forth
Sera Nae D'Masses
Sera Tonin
Sermonetta, of the Flying Phalus
Servina Bunchatops
Severitas Miona, barmherzige Samariterin der Grofstadt
Sexy Angel
Sexy Xie
AKAs: Exsus Manus the Trans Francisco Treat Mari X Posa Guard U R Rights
Shahiralotta Voicez
Shalita Toddler
AKAs: Many Tongued Nun Schwester DirndlDomina Libertina Antichrystal Neurotica Nervosa
Shapiro, Reverend Mother
Sharin! Dippity Reveal
Sharon Sharalike
Shawnti Fey, Widow, the Widow Most High, Founder, The Widow Most High
AKAs: The Widow Shawnti Fey, Guard
Shea D'Queen, Founder
Shea Mess
Shear Devotion
Sheela Noyah
Sheila Blige
Sheila Cutabitch
Shelby Redeemed
AKAs: Cathi Lick
Shelita Crack
Shirley B. Medicated, Mother Superior
Shirley Bea Medicated
Shirley Bint
AKAs: Sir Lee Bint
Shirley Knott
AKAs: Donna Matrix
Shiv-ah Schizophrena Majestas Domini
Shrouda Turina Tarpe Le Death
Shugga Butt
Silly Pcybin
Sindy Vine
SiNe Nomine Intemporalis
Sinful Sin, Founder
Sinthetic Soul, Guard
Sioux St Semen Sloth, Founder, Virtue of Sloth
Sir Cum Ference
Sir Dai of Abergrabafanny
Sir Jane General
Sir Kit Board
Sir Loin Tofu
Sir Osis, of the Liver
Sir Tainly Absolutely Straight
Sir Tys Major
Sir Vent, of the Dark Side
Sir Vices Rendered
SirCumStance, Founder
Sirv'n Uplashes, Founder
Sissiphyllis, because I’m worth it, Shepherdess of France
AKAs: Sissi car je le vaux bien, Bergere de France
Sissy, Founder, parce que je le vaux bien, Bergere de france
AKAs: Sissiphyllis
Sissy Allmen DoLike, Founder
Sissy Sweettea
Sister Sistah
Skagnolia Thunderpussy, Founder
Slash, of the Holy Gay Porn
Sleaze du Jour, Charter Member
Smeralda magdalena Subdominantia Psychosis in Den Ruinen von Sangri-
Snuffy Lupagus, Guard
Soami, Founder
AKAs: Missionary P Delight Missionary Position Iamosama DeLite, the Sodomite of the Most Holy and Beautiful Dove, Rumi Sufi Heart Now
Sofonda M'junk
Sofonda Me
Sonata Innocent, Founder
Sopionis deAmbrosius Busti
AKAs: Anelle Intrusion
Sorenda da'Booty
Spankee Mein Hie-nee, Guard
Sparkle Plenty, Founder
Sparkles Spandex
Spiketakiss, Captain
Spinna DeVinyl, Postulant
AKAs: Angel DJ Harmonix
Spreada Mae Vagae, Founder
Spunky Bukkai
Squash Blossom
AKAs: Fanny Powers Guard Woody Blowhard
Squeal Loud, Founder
Star Gem 'N' Eye Gautna Patience
AKAs: Postulant Patience
Starry Eyed
Stella de Floratia
AKAs: Kronos De Membro Sancto - barmherziger Samenritter der Grofstadt (1998)
Stella Virgin
Stelysa Trayler
AKAs: Barry McCockin Alysa Trayler Stella Standing Alysa Standing-Trayler
Stigmata Hari, Keeper of Confessions and Gossipy Blabbermouth
Suck M. Silly
AKAs: Constant Succulance
Suckajaweena, Founder
Sufferin Succotash
Sugarpie, de Santo de Sancta Clarissima
Suministra Noviciada
Summer Bigger, Postulant
Summer Clearance, Founder
Sunny D Meaner
AKAs: Postulant Cherry Poppins Novice Lemme Help
Sunshine, of the Radiant Smile, Founder
AKAs: Sunshine Salax Machilla
Superior Sybilla Sadbitch La Savior Faerie, Sister Superior
AKAs: Lily White Superior Posterior
Suzette Alouette Melissa Lux Alba
AKAs: Suzette a l'Orange
Sweet Charity
Sweet Cherribum
AKAs: Justin Saint
Sybil Libertease
T'keela Mockingbird
Taint A Virgin
Tallulah Larissa Montis
Tammi Bo'Rene
Tammy Faye Bakkersfield
Tamsin Arachnea Tebaldi
Tara Dinger
Tara Hyman
Tara Maldita Peregrina, inter Mundos y Monaguilla de Sodoma nagai namae desu ne F.S.P.I., Mutter
Tara Ryze
Tasha myFUPA, Founder
AKAs: Anelle Dysplasia
Tasha Salad, of the Hidden Valley Ranch
Taxifollia des Pollutions Nocturnes
Tearyn Upmyrectimus, Founder
Teddy Tuck
AKAs: Aura Lee Loved
Tek No, Garde-Cuisse
Ten Buck U, Guard
Tepuia Lascivious Honey Bear, of the Scarlet Sphincter
Teresa Solution
AKAs: Postulant Lois Carmen Dominator
Terry Yaki
Teryn McCloseoff
Tess Defy
Tess T Mint
Tess Tickles, of the Sacred Scrotum, Founder
AKAs: Kissa Myassah
The Vegan Mary
AKAs: Posulant Marta Domme
Thee-Adorya Bearneice, Founder
Theo Pressed, Guard
AKAs: Daddy Ho Guard Pope Fiction
Theresa Nervina
Theresa Stigmata
Theresa Trashie
Therese de Cul et Lard, Founder
Theresia Bavaria Nata Via Maia
Therezille, et tes Paillettes Dite la Bûcheronne des Lilas
Thor, Guard
Thor O'Zeen, Founder
Thumb Belina
Thylege de la Vache Folle, Founder
Thylège de la Vache Folle
Tillie Swallows, Founder
Tilly Cums Again
Tilly Marie Angelique du Grand Coeur
Tiny Bubbles
Tipper Over
Tippy Tap Toes
Titania Humperpickle
AKAs: Bee Ver Sister Bee Ver
Titi, Cardinal
Titty Titty Gang Bang
Toby DeTermined
Tootie Toot, of the Magical Fruit
Tora Wholes
Tore Me Anus, Founder
Tori D'Affair
Traci Undercaffinated, Founder
Tragedy Ann, the Astronaughty Bootylicka
Transgender Bend-Her
Travis Hobbs
Treesa Burning to Get Back on Stage
Tres Sainte Jeannette
Trinity Divinity Faerie-Fabulous Affinity to Infinity
Trouser Mouse
Truely Fierce, Founder
Trystina T Rhume
AKAs: Prudence Madders
Tuna Noodle Cocktail
AKAs: Guard Tighty Whitey of the High & Mighty
Twisted Fister, of the Holey Christco, Founder
Twolita Pepsi
Uma Asshertz, Founder
Uma Gawd
Un-Named Novice
Una Cow
Unity Divine, Bootysattva Creative Goddess, Founder
AKAs: Unity Divine, Techno-nun Shiva Tapioca, Wet Nurse to the Infant of Prague Sister Crap Pope Thang Alter Boink Baow Chicka Baow Waow
Unity Harmony
Uranus Rimmer, Founder
Ursa Minora, Founder
AKAs: Desi Groane
Ursita Pinage Passif
Ursula Baptisma Perforata
Ursula Paranoia
Ursula Polari
Ute, Founder
Ute d'Hot Cum
V’Gina Dentata, of the Sharp and Pointy Teeth
AKAs: V'gina D'Flambe of the Sharp and Pointy Teeth
Vaginita Dentatala Bufadora
Valentine, Postulant
Valentine des Graces de Marie-Madeleine
Vanilla Shine
Vanna T Faire
Velma Mae Ormaynot
AKAs: Rhonda Vous O'Reilly
Velveeta Von Tease
Velveteen Vampit, of the Lilliput Playhouse
Venus Envy
Venus Kitty, Captain
Vera Vegas
Verba Labuse
Vesta Rose Daami
Vesta Rose Penata, Founder
Vggie von Tenth
Viagra I Hardagain
Vibratta Electric, of the Flaming Labia
Vice et Versa
Vice n Virtue
Vice Nonne Nature
Viola Tricolor
Violet Sin Bloom
AKAs: Postulant Ghislain
Vipiera de Braccis
AKAs: Sir Pent of the Trouser
Virginia Diva
Virginie de Floree
Visa DeKline
Vish-Knew, Founding Member
AKAs: Adhnarsvara Vicious PowerHungryBitch
Vita Meatavegamen
Viv Acious
Viva L'Amour Des Hommes
AKAs: Viva La Mer (Aar!) Volunteer Manna Shovitz Cardinal Cockblock
AKAs: Angelica Holy God! Motor City Rebel Vixen until 12/06/1997
Vixyn Chainz
Vulcana Vulgaris Vulva Nonn' Elastica
Vulgara Mascara, the Calamitous Occasion
Walpurga Auf der Herrenlauz
Wanda Sitonit
Wanda Wu Mein, Founder
War Games, Guard
Well, Garde-Cuisse
Wendy Yugitov
Which Hazel
Whip Hir Snapper, Captain
White Noize, Angel
Who Does She Think She Is
Wilma Ballsdrop
Wilma Fingadoo, Blessed Mother
Wilma Titzgro
Wisteria Weisenheimer
Wulfnet Downa
AKAs: Xplosion Saint Vinyl White Xtasy-Marie-Colette
X-stacy Marie Colette
AKAs: @I106@
Xena DeCrime
AKAs: Gabby LeAnkles
Yoda Lay He-hoo
Yoko Oh No
Yolanda, Reverend
AKAs: Reverend Yolanda & the Plastic Family band
Yuriko Lomein
Yzma Ballzshowen
AKAs: Ira Choirlube
Zahra Nansaidh
Zsa Zsa Glamour